Business Assurance confirmed the ACCA Approved Employer status in the Professional Development category

Association of Chartered Certified Accountants
June 7, 2024

Business Assurance has confirmed its ACCA Approved Employer status in the Professional Development category. This status is a confirmation that ACCA recognizes the high standards of training and development of our company’s employees. We received the status of an ACCA-accredited employer in the Professional Development category in 2019 for the first time.

ACCA Approved Employer

Being a part of an ACCA-recognized company in the Professional Development category gives its employees a number of advantages:

  • Recognition and high status of the employer. The employer company, accredited by the internationally recognized professional accounting organization ACCA, helps its employees in obtaining professional qualifications and ACCA This contributes to the further development of specialists in the field of finance and accounting.
  • Professional An ACCA accredited company provides access to high-quality training programmes for its employees. This may also include financing various courses, training and certification.
  • Career Thanks to access to professional training, employees of a company with the ACCA Approved Employer status can improve their professional knowledge and skills which, in its turn, will contribute to their career growth within the company.
  • Strengthening knowledge and skills. An employerinvestingin the professionaldevelopment of itsemployeeshelpsthem to improvetheirknowledgeandskillsin the relevantfield whichalsocontributes to improving the effectiveness of specialists at the
  • Motivation and Providing opportunities for professional growth and development helps to increase the motivation of the company’s employees as well as to increases their job satisfaction.

 Thus, being a part of the ACCA partner company in the Professional Development category helps employees to develop, move up their career ladder and reach new heights.

Check out the open vacancies of our company. Join us to achieve real success!

*ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) is an internationally recognized professional accounting organization founded in 1904 and it has more than 252,500 members and 526,000 members to-be in 180 countries.



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