Business Assurance has opened a new business season 2024-2025 with corporate trainings

October 11, 2024

Business Assurance LLC has opened a new business season 2024-2025 with corporate trainings.

Traditionally, the opening of the business season started with an introductory speech by the managing partner of Business Assurance, Alexander Shkodin. Summing up the results of the completed business season, the managing partner spoke about the goals and objectives for the business season 2024-2025, about new challenges and emerging prospects and wished all the colleagues an interesting and active year.

During the first week of internal corporate trainings, relevant issues of risk management, auditor’s independence, changes in national accounting legislation, changes in IFRS, information security approaches, as well as a number of other audit and professional issues were considered.

The speakers were both Business Assurance partners and managers, as well as invited lecturers: Head of the Main Department for Accounting Regulation, Reporting and Auditing of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus T.N. Rybak, Head of the Indirect Taxation Department of the Information and Explanatory Work Department of the Inspectorate of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Republic of Belarus for Minsk O.I. Suschik, as well as the main state tax inspectors of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of the Republic of Belarus.



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