Business Assurance representatives participated as members of the jury in the III Interuniversity Olympiad on the analysis of economic activity

Олимпиада в БГЭУ
April 2, 2024

From March 20 to March 29, 2024, the III Interuniversity Olympiad and the Forum on the Analysis of economic activity “Round numbers all lie” were held at the Belarusian State University of Economics (BSEU). Representatives of Business Assurance – Veronika Makeychik, Lead Auditor of the Industrial Audit Department, and Anastasia Pavlovich, Senior Assistant Auditor of the Industrial Audit Department – participated in this practice-oriented event as members of the jury.

Олимпиада БГЭУ

As part of the second face-to-face round of the III Interuniversity Olympiad and the Forum on Business Analysis “Round numbers all lie”, held at BSEU on March 29, teams of students from a number of universities of the country demonstrated to the jury their scientific erudition in the field of business analysis and earned appropriate points for their teams. Each of the teams tried to maximize their practical potential in solving practice-oriented tasks for the analysis of economic activity. In our opinion this approach contributes to the practical training of young specialists in the field of accounting, analysis and auditing.

We congratulate the winners and express our gratitude to all the participants of the III Interuniversity Olympiad and the Forum on the Analysis of Economic Activity “Round numbers all lie”, wish the young people success in building their future careers and invite final year students to familiarize themselves with available vacancies in Business Assurance for young professionals and try their hand at auditing industrial enterprises.

Олимпиада БГЭУ



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