New Year’s greetings from the Managing Partner of Business Assurance

Dear colleagues and partners!
Every passing year lets us demonstrate fortitude and our boundless possibilities. The realities of 2022 allowed us to become even more deeply aware of our strength, power, gain invaluable experience, unite even more and develop a strategy taking into account the speed and magnitude of the geopolitical changes taking place today. Rapid progress in information, communication and other technologies provides us with the opportunity to influence the course of global and regional processes, challenge ourselves and demonstrate the result to others.
We are still ready to invest in advanced technologies, considering the needs of clients who have been affected by radical changes, we are still ready to offer innovative solutions and adapt to their needs, which require a deeper understanding and approach on our part.
The technological dependence of society increases the potential for more frequent abrupt changes in the world system. But our goal will remain our strength. We are confidently moving towards becoming a modern organization of the future. We still tend to put the quality of our services above everything else, we remain true to our principles and approaches, the trust of our clients and the well-being of our employees remain the most important for us.
Since conditions dictate to us increased attention to equality and openness, we strive to develop a favorable environment for combining both professional functions of employees and family ones. To this end, we have embarked on a common path with UNFPA, the initiative of the United Nations Population Fund, the defining vector for the development of which will be the creation of jobs where employees do not have to choose between work, professional growth and family.
Undoubtedly, you and the trust of our clients and business partners constitute success and a stable foundation for the development of the future, because it is never accidental – it is created!
I want to wish each of you health, strength of spirit and may your plans come true in the New Year 2023!
Kind regards,
Alexander Shkodin
Managing Partner
Business Assurance