The company was accredited by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)

May 29, 2020

We are pleased to announce that we were successfully accredited by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and are now fully able to participate as a consultant in the projects of the Advice for Small Business EBRD Program, providing consulting services in such areas as:

– Strategy development and implementation (including strategic planning, business diagnostics, business planning and feasibility studies, financial analysis and planning, finding partners and investors);

– Efficiency improvement and optimization of business processes (including business process reengineering);

– Accounting maintenance and work with financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRSs

About the EBRD programs

The EBRD provides financial, methodological and institutional support to small and medium-sized businesses in the implementation of consulting projects. According to EBRD statistics, 68% of clients increase their turnover by an average of 30% within a year after the project ends; 56% on average increase their productivity as the business expands; 51% report a significant increase in the number of workplaces, which increases the number of employees by an average of 23%; 18% of clients receive external financing to ensure the growth of their businesses.

Businesses that meet the following criteria can count on the assistance of the EBRD:

  • more than 2 years on the market;
  • more than 50% of the company’s equity is owned by Belarusian citizens;
  • company staff – from 10 to 250 employees;
  • annual revenue – no more than 50 million Euros;
  • impeccable business reputation and financial stability.

Why work with us:

Audit and professional services, as well as legal, tax and financial advisory, are the main activities of the company.

Company’s partners have many years of experience in their areas:

Alexander Shkodin – Managing partner

Ekaterina Kostinevich – Partner / Tax&Legal, Business process outsourcing

Ivan Kovalenko – Partner / Consulting

Edgars Volskis – Partner / Risk Management

Our consultants are experienced and highly qualified specialists who apply the most modern approaches and advanced techniques in their work. We provide our clients not only with in-depth industry knowledge of the specialists, but also combine the experience of similar practices throughout the world.

We will help you optimize and bring your business to a new level in and after the processes of change in the economy.



Contact Us
Please fill in the form below to request a commercial proposal, give your feedback about working with Business Assurance, get advice or request a call back. Thank you for contacting us!
Office 7, floor 8, Pobediteley ave. 103, Minsk, Belarus, 220020
Tel.: +375 44 565 17 85 Tel.: +375 29 321 74 42 E-mail:

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